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1. Admission to LKG is generally announced in December/ January. Four years as on 1st July is the age for admission in LKG. A corresponding scale of age is fixed for the subsequent classes.

2. A student joining the school for the first time must produce a satisfactory evidence of the Municipal or hospital records or a Baptismal Certificate. Date of birth once recorded will not be changed.For fresh admission the date of birth and the name of the students should be entered in the prescribed admission form, signed by the parent or guardians and this will not be subsequently altered.

3. Generally, there is no admission to other classes. However, depending on the vacancies that may arise, opportunity may be provided to eligible candidates. Only students from recognised English medium Schools will be considered for admission.

4. When a student is admitted on a transfer certificate, he/she shall not be placed in any class higher than that for which the certificate shows him/her to be qualified, nor will he/she be promoted before the end of a school year.

5. A student who does not complete the school calendar year is not eligible for promotion, hence admission will be made accordingly.

6. No student will be admitted without a transfer certificate from the school last attended; and in no case shall a student be permitted to attend a class pending formal admission.

7. The School leaving certificate of a student joining from a school outside Bihar must be countersigned by the Education Authorities of the District in which the previous school was situated.

8. In case of re-admission after withdrawal, admission fee will be levied again.

9. Preference would be given to SC/ST/OBC candidates and the marginalised.

10. The final decision with regard to admission rests with the Principal.

11. If a student is withdrawn for any length of time and parents wish her/him to be re-admitted an entrance test will be held and the Admission Fee will be charged again.



1. Every application for a school leaving certificate shall be made in writing by the parents on the prescribed form.

2. A school leaving certificate will not be issued until all the fees are paid. Those who leave in April, pay the fees for May and June as well.

3. A fee of Rs. 100/- will be charged for a transfer certificate and this will be issued only three days after the receipt of the application.

4. The issue of T.C. implies that all dues to and from the school are completely cleared.

5. A student who wishes to discontinue during the academic session should pay the full fees of the particular quarter while applying for T.C.



1. Every student must be present on the day of New Academic Year and at the re-opening of the school after Summer, Christmas, Winter, Easter, Durga Puja and Chhat Puja Vacations.

2. Irregular attendance, unjustified absence or objectionable moral behaviour justify dismissal. If a student is absent for ten consecutive days without an application, or for three days at the beginning of a term, his/her name may be struck off the rolls. Every absence has to be intimated to the Principal immediately with an application duly signed by the parent.

3. A student should be regular in attendance, punctual and diligent in his/her work and of exemplary behaviour. He/she should be in his/her respective class 5 minutes before the assembly bell. Late comers will be asked to go back at the risk of their parents/guardians.

4. No student who has been absent from school or is late will be admitted into class without the signed permission of the Principal.

5. Maximum three days will be granted for attending the marriage of a relative or own brother or sister. Parents are requested to apply for leave prior to the marriage. Principal, at his discretion may or may not grant leave for the above said purpose.

6. No leave of absence is granted without a written application signed by the parents and only for authentic reasons. The school accepts no responsibility if a student is obliged to return home during school hours for noncompliance of any of the rules. Mere sending of an application is not sufficient. Leave has to be sanctioned.

7. In case of sickness or other unforeseen circumstances, the student returning to the school must show the teacher in-charge their regularity record duly signed by the parent and principal, before they enter the class.



1. All students are expected to line up in silence for the assembly at the sound of the first bell. After the assembly they should disperse in silence to their classes.

in his/her respective class 5 minutes before the assembly bell.

2. No books other than required text books, should be brought to school. No student should bring to the school any objectionable articles, electronic goods, such as camera, tape recorder, knives, weapons, crackers, mobiles, explosives, colourpowders and blades etc. The offenders are liable to be dismissed or rusticated from the school and the confiscated goods will not be returned.

3. No student should leave the school premises during class hours without the knowledge and permission of the Principal.

4. Cameras, magazines, newspapers, cassettes, C.D’s, i-pods or cell phones must not be brought to the school without the Principal’s consent. The school management has every right to carry out inspection as and when required.

5. In no way should a student disfigure the walls of the school or destroy school furniture & property. Scribbling on furniture is prohibited. Parents are bound to make good any damage done to school property or library books. The decision of the Principal regarding the amount is final.

6. The school is not responsible for goods lost. Students should not carry or wear valuable articles including rings and fancy watches when coming to school. Students are liable to serious disciplinary action for stealing or damaging the articles of others.

7.No student suffering from a contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to attend school. After recovery, a fitness certificate is to be submitted.

8. During school hours, students are not allowed to receive visitors or make phone calls or to answer a phone call. If the matter is very urgent, the message will be given.

9. Any student desiring to be exempted from P. T. or games must produce a doctor’s certificate to the effect that he/she is physically unfit to take part.

10. Students must come to class with the lessons well prepared and the home work completed.

11. The School Diary should be brought to the school daily.

12. Running, playing and shouting inside the school building is never allowed.

13. When students move along verandahs to other class rooms, they must walk in silence and in single line. They should always keep to the left as far as possible.

14. The school is not responsible for goods lost. Books, Stationary, Cardigans, School bags, Tiffin boxes etc. should bear the name of the owner and he/she will be responsible for their safe keeping.

15. Students should be particularly careful not to throw paper or fruit peels anywhere in the school premises. They should use the bins especially provided for that purpose.

16. No student should remain in the classroom during P. T. or games period unless permitted by the Principal.

17. Students are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct out of school shall make them liable to disciplinary action.

18. Students are not allowed to enter a classroom other than their own.

19. Articles found in school or in its premises are to be handed over to the office.

20. Parents send their children to this school so that they may be proficient both in Hindi and English. In the school premises all are expected to speak only in English.

21. Cycle stand facility will be available. Students coming on bicycles must pay the prescribed charges for the entire year and obtain pass from the fee counter in April. The pass has to be brought to the school every day. Cycles must be kept in the stand always locked. Students are not permitted to bring motor cycles.

22. Students are to address their teachers and all members of the school staff with due respect and politeness. Arrogant and challenging behaviour towards teaching or non-teaching staff justifies dismissal.

23. During the change of teacher or when going from one class to another they should move in order and silence should be observed.

(a) They are never to leave the class without the permission of the teacher.

(b) Every Student must possess an identity card issued by the School.

24. During all activities and outings the school takes all necessary care and precautions. Yet in spite of that if an accident or mishap occurs the school shall in no way be held responsible or liable.

25. Principal’s permission is required:

a. to make a collection for any purpose, whatever

b. to arrange for a party, picnic or meeting

c. to arrange for a party, picnic or meeting

d. to give presents to teachers or stage displays in their honour and

e. to arrange for private tuition from the school teachers.

26. Students are expected:

a. To be polite, friendly and well-behaved in and outside the school.

b. To be honest and truthful, whatever may be the cost.

c. To accept cheerfully every work and responsibility given, and to face difficulties with courage and determination.

d. To be courteous and sportsman like on the playground with opposing teams and with the officials.

e. To wish your parents, teachers and elders whenever you meet them.

f. To respect your own property as well as of the school and also property belonging to others.

g. To be bold enough to say ‘No’ when asked to do a thing which you know to be wrong.

27. Ignorance of the rules will not be an excuse.



In order to attain the high standard which the school intends to maintain the co-operation of the parents is imperative. The best of the school training is seriously crippled, unless the home plays its role.

1. The very first condition of admission is that parents / guardians will comply strictly with the terms and conditions herein stated and pay by the due date the tuition fees and all other charges.

2. It is the responsibility of the parents to see that their wards reach the school and back home safely.

3. Parents are requested to enforce regularity and discipline. They will kindly see that their children prepare their lessons daily.

4. Politeness, courtesy of speech and conduct, cleanliness in dress and person should be inculcated.

5. Leave of absence may be granted for a sufficient reason, but only on an application from the parent or guardian. This must be made in advance whenever possible. The absence and leave record sheet given in this diary must be made use of.

6. Any communication (request or complaint) made by a parent should be addressed to the Principal and not to the Class teacher. When, thus communicating with the Principal, parents are requested to mention in their letter the name and the class with section of their wards.

7. No visitors (Parents or others) are allowed to see the students or interview their teachers during class hours.

8. Parents are also requested not to visit classes before, after and during class hours. All business will be transacted in the office.

9. Parents are requested not to take their children during class hours except in a case of emergency.

10. Parents and guardians are required to sign all the reports and to see that their children abide by the rules of the school.

11. Parents must realise that the parents-teachers meetings are very important and they should attend them regularly.

12. The Principal reserves the right to impose corrective punishment upon students, as he may deem necessary. 13. Students must not keep much cash with them when they come to school. Such a habit is harmful. Please check them for this.

14. Small children should not be entrusted with payment of fees.

15. A reasonable good dress like that of the school uniform may be worn on birthdays by LKG to Class III students. No student shall distribute chocolates on their birthday to anyone. They must bring two copies and two pencils instead of that. It will be collected during the year and distributed to poor students at the end of the year as part of SUPW.

16. The school administration welcomes constructive criticism and feels happy when parents take interest in the welfare of the institution and give feedback for improvement.

17. Only the children up to class III may were casual dress on the day of their birthday.

18. The School is not responsible for the conveyance. It is the duty of the Parents to reach the child and take back after the school hours.

19. Parents are requested to attend regularly the Parent-Teacher meeting which will be held twice a year.

20. Negative/wrong/non-constructive publicity caused by any student/parent can lead to dismissal of the students.

21. Parents are informed through occasional report and recommendations from teacher made in the contact report. They are requested to sign them as a proof that they have read.

22. Special reports on student’s conduct, application and progress are issued by the school occasionally and after each Terminal Examination. Parents should see to it that these reports are brought to them and take steps in time against causes that impede the progress of their children. They should be countersigned by the parents.



1. Examination tests enable parents to know the progress of their children and pay due attention to their studies at home.

2. Promotion to next class will depend on the year’s performance. Hence there will be Two Class Tests, Two Terminal Tests, and Two Examinations, Half Yearly and Annual to register the progress of the students.

3. Regular attendance is expected from each student. If a student does not have 75% of the attendance for the year, he / she will not be permitted to appear for Annual examination.

4. Students who are absent for any test or examination due to sickness should submit Doctor’s Certificate at the earliest or before the examination period.

5. The pass marks for each subject is 40 % up to class X

6. For promotion, a student must obtain pass percentage in at least five major subjects which must include the subject English.

7. A student who, for reasons accepted by the Principal, is not able to appear for the Half-Yearly, must appear for the Annual examination.

8. A student who does not appear for Half-Yearly as well as Annual Examination, will not be promoted.

9. A student who gives or obtains unfair assistance at an examination will be debarred from the rest of the examination and will get a zero in that paper. Such a student may be detained in the same class or dismissed from the school.

10. A student failing twice in the same class will have to discontinue his/her studies at school.

11. Answer books of the Annual Examinations are not shown. The result declared at the end of the year is final and not subject to reconsideration.

12. The school does not undertake to retain answer scripts/projects of candidates who sit for examinations for more than 60 days after the results are declared.

13. A failed student forfeits all claims to concession in school fees.

14. A student of class IX to be promoted to the next class, is required to secure pass percentage for each subject in Half Yearly and Annual Examinations, in accordance with the attendance and pass criteria laid down by the council.

15. All project works for classes IX to X should be submitted when asked for. All defaulters will get zero in the subject.

16. The decision of the school authorities on results shall be final and in no case shall lie in any court of law in respect of their decision.

17. Parents are requested to clear all the fee dues before the Terminal Examination. On clearance of all dues an Admit Card will be issued, which the student should bring to school during the days of Examination.

18. If a warning is given in any subject after the Examination the students must work hard in that particular subject.



1. Students should keep in mind that “Reading makes a full man”. They should develop the habit of reading, systematically and thoughtfully, the suggested books on different subjects and storing them up carefully in their memory. This way the information will be extensive, accurate and useful.

2. Silence should be maintained in the library except on business with Librarian. This also should be done in a low voice.

3. Students may borrow one book at a time for a period up to one week from the library. Any book not required by another person may be re-issued for further one week.

4. Certain books, magazines, etc. are available for reference in the library only. They are not to be taken home.

5. Books, periodicals, magazines, etc., should be treated with care, both in and out of the library. No writing, ink blots, torn pages, marks and the line in books, are tolerated.

6. Books are issued on the understanding that they are only to be read by persons to whom they are issued and are not given to others whether of school or to outsiders.

7. Any student who breaks the above rules will have to pay a fine or cost of the lost and damaged books.



1. Students must wear lab coat in the laboratory for chemistry practicals.

2. Perfect silence in the laboratory is essential for concentration and successful scientific work.

3. Add reagents in proportionate amounts, this gives the right result and key to success.

4. Avoid shifting the bottles from the common shelf.

5. Use the waste box for throwing broken glass pieces, match sticks, filter paper, etc. and do not throw them in the sink.

6. Shake the test tubes while heating, do not throw hot and concentrated acids, especially con. sulphuric acid.

7. Pass hydrogen sulphide gas slowly in the solution, it is a very poisonous gas, do not leave the gas stopper open.

8. Any damage to lab apparatus/equipments will have to be made good.



1. Take off shoes before entering the Computer Lab and keep in the shoe rack.

2. Wipe off feet at doormat before entering the Computer Lab.

3. Bringing outside Floppy, C.D., and Pen Drive isprohibited.

4. Unless and until needed, do not boot any system in the lab.

5. Shifting V.D.U. from its position is not allowed.

6. Always insert the disk properly in the disk drive before closing its drive door.

7. Computer peripherals and wires should not be tampered.

8. Scribbling on the machine casing, wires and tables will not be tolerated.

9. Do not play with the keyboard.

10. Always come with your group.

11. Press the keys softly without banging.

12. Always open and close the lab’s door as instructed.

13. Computer Application / Computer Science is one of the subjects available for I.C.S.E. level on merit / test basis respectively.

14. Take nothing in to room without prior permission of the teacher.

15. Warning: If the student is found misusing or playing with any lab peripherals he/she will be liable to pay a heavy penalty.



1. Fee is to be paid by the date mentioned in the Fee Record, for the entire term or year.

2. After the due date, a fine of Rs.50/- will be charged till the end of the month and thereafter Rs.100/- will be charged per month. In case the fee remains uncleared for three consecutive months, the name of the defaulter will be struck off the rolls and if the student wants to continue re-admission fee (Rs.1500/-) will be charged.

3. Those who leave in April will pay the fees for May and June as well.

4. Students, whose dues are not cleared fully, will not be allowed to appear for the examinations.

5. No exemption or reduction in fees will be made on account of any holiday or absence for any cause.

6. Fee timings may vary when school timings change due to weather conditions.

7. School fees once paid will not be refunded in any case.

8. While applying for T.C., fee record should be produced.

9. Note: The School reserves the right to add, alter, amend or cancel any of the rules/regulations given in this school diary at any time at its discretion which will be binding on students, parents/ guardians.



Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

LKG, UKG: Cream and Black colour checked shirt with monogram and black pants for boys and girls. Cream and Black colour checked Tunic frock with monogram for girls. Black socks with white double rings atop, black shoes, ID card and school belt for all.

CLASS I to IX (BOYS): Red and grey checked full/half sleeved shirt with monogram and greenish grey coloured pants. Grey coloured socks with white double rings atop, black shoes, ID card, school belt and tie. GIRLS (CLASS I to VII): Red and grey checked shirt and greenish grey coloured Tunic. Grey coloured socks with white double rings atop, black shoes, ID card, school belt and tie.

GIRLS CLASS VIII to X: Red and grey checked Churidar Top and dark grey coloursalwar. Grey coloured socks with white double rings atop, black shoes, ID card.



House T-shirt with monogram and black long trousers with coloured lines of T-Shirt on the side, Black shoes and Grey colour socks with white double rings atop.



LKG, UKG:Black colourFull Sweaters with monogram for boys. Sweaters with monogram and black slacks /Stockings for girls

CLASS I to X (BOYS): Maroon half sweaters and Maroon Blazers with monogram

CLASS I to X (GIRLS): Maroon half sweaters and Maroon Blazers with monogram. Maroon slacks /Stockings for girls (Class I to VII)

1. All the student should present themselves clean and neatly dressed in school uniform every day. Parents will kindly provide sufficient sets of uniform. Torn shoes and socks will not be permitted in any case.

2. Style and Fashion are not permitted in the school, silver & gold ornaments are not allowed, only the black hair clips or bands should be worn in the school not the colourful ones. Girls must braid their hair on both sides and tie with red ribbons.

3. Simplicity is the hallmark of St. Mary’s girl, therefore Mehendi, Kajal, Nail Polish, Bindi on foreheads are not permitted in the school.

4. Parents and guardians are requested to send their wards to school tidily dressed wearing the school uniform along with the ID cards. If the children fail to wear the uniform, he/she may not be allowed to enter his/her class.